The sequel to Crimson Sea, this game follows the story of Sho, the protagonist of the first game. In the distant future, a solar system called Theophilus is once again attacked by a mysterious alien race, called the menace . The brave bounty hunter Sho, who wields a special sword which he can also use as…
Dance Dance Revolution X2 is the sequel to Dance Dance Revolution X and the final Dance Dance Revolution game released on the PlayStation 2. It introduces a unique soundtrack, new game modes and other minor refinements and changes. Disclaimer: The product images shown are for illustration purposes only and may not be an exact representation of the product…
A rhythm action game focusing on the use of a dance mat to successfully complete a dance pattern of arrows scrolling up the screen in time to music. The object of the game is to get as many arrows in the right order and at the right time to get a high score. The unique…
Dance and perform against competition to claim the coveted title as America s favorite celebrity dancer. You ll dance to hit songs and compete in dances from the Cha-Cha to the Waltz. Play as one of nine celebrities such as Emmit Smith, Mario Lopez, or Stacie Keibler. Pair with one of the show s professional…
Team Sabre is the expansion pack for NovaLogic s first-person shooter Delta Force: Black Hawk Down. Team Sabre provides several single-player missions grouped into an anti-terrorist campaign in Iran, and a drug-lord chase through Colombia. This expansion pack breaks free of the tight streets of Somalia and sends you to diverse settings such as desert oil platforms…
Some time during the 2050 s, the world is a dangerous place as terrorists, drug czars, and outlaw states rule, using violence and subterfuge as tools in their push for global conquest. A deadly virus dubbed gray death is running rampant throughout the world and the only known cure is a chemical known as Ambrosia…
A compilation of the Devil May Cry games that were released for the PlayStation 2 in one value priced bundle. The games included are: Devil May Cry Devil May Cry 2 Devil May Cry 3: Dante s Awakening (Special Edition) Disclaimer: The product images shown are for illustration purposes only and may not be an…
With Digital Hitz Factory, you have everything you need to make a hit song. The game includes more than 16,000 instrument sounds and samples from six different musical styles, including Hip-Hop, Pop, Trance, Garage Indy, and Metal. Mix your tracks with a set of virtual decks, and record your own vocals and samples with the…
Dino Stalker is a lightgun game based on the Dino Crisis series. It is similar in concept to Resident Evil: Survivor in that your character is free to move around the environment rather than being on rails as in most lightgun games. Players can also play it as a first-person shooter using the standard DualShock 2 controller. You play…
Skateboard your way through the worlds of Toy Story, Tarzan, and The Lion King each including a variety of different levels and locals to visit. Play as characters from those universes or create your own from scratch. Each included character has their own look, board, moves, and collectible. Practice Modes and Freeskate moves provide the…
While taking a walk with his friend Christopher Robin, Pooh s tummy gave out a great rumble. Looks like Pooh s hungry. Christopher suggests that he think of something else…something happy to forget about his hunger. Pooh decides to recall his friends birthdays – which are the happiest of times. In Winnie the Pooh s Rumbly…
Up is based on the animated movie of the same name. Carl Fredericksen always wanted to be an adventurer but he never got around to it. After his wife dies he gets depressed but finally decides to experience adventures after all. He gets accompanied by the scout Russel. Most levels are played with two characters with…
In Dokapon Kingdom monsters have attacked and pillaged the kingdom of its riches. For the adventurer who returns the kingdom s wealth, his majesty offers the honor of his daughter s hand, and therefore the title of future king. This doesn t mean, however, that you aren t permitted to play as a female character. You simply…
The evil wizard Merlock has kidnapped intrepid reporter Daisy Duck. Donald Duck wants to rescue her, and his friend Gyro Gearloose s latest invention, a teleporter, can help. Unfortunately, it can t reach Daisy directly due to a lack of power. To increase the energy, Donald must place weather vanes that catch gamma rays at…
A simple, easy to pick up and play, platform-based game aimed at pre-school children age 2-5, Within minutes your child will be building snowmen, ice skating, snowboarding, riding Pegasus, as well as enjoying a slew of other winter-themed activities. And with the game s Snowy Forest Helper feature, parents can join in the fun as…
Downforce is an arcade racing game released in 2002. The game includes multiple game modes, including championships, time trials, free race, standard split-screen and multiplayer tag – a mode where the winner is decided by who stays in the lead for the most amount of time rather than who crosses the finish line first. Disclaimer: The…